Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How we spent our Monday--June 13

We changed plans from our original thought, which was go go to Amsterdam and tour the Anne Frank house today.  We decided it was too much for the Mama to be at this point so we went off to a nearby town to explore a bit there.  We went to a wooden shoe museum and also another museum in a small home near-by.--  But first food, always food!  LOL

 The bakery-pastry shops are just so delightful, filled with super delicious and beautiful looking things.  It just makes you want to purchase & try them all.  Really it makes me want to be able to make them myself!
 Our lunch today.  We chose 3 different desserts so we could try some of each
 I love the way they can park either direction on either side of the street!
 Here we are at the wooden shoe museum.  They do demonstration at certain times also, but today was not one of them.  We did however get to watch a film of the whole process which I thought was so interesting.
 How is this for a 4 way intersection? I'm not sure I've seen any of our type of straight streets/4 way intersections yet!
 There were quite a few boards of painted wooden shoes on display, We didn't know for sure what from, but we rather assumed they were from children's classes who came in & decorated the shoes.  That would be so fun!
 Part of the museum was also on boat making history, and the upstairs was filled with all sorts of vintage-historical items.  This part of it reminded me very much of parts of Pioneer Village in Minden, NE near Kearney where I grew up.
 And now the shoes on display!  All sizes, kinds, styles, & from different eras & parts of the country.

 Hmmm, the original toe shoes???!!!  Morgen, I had to take this for you!
 This is a monkey tail tree!
The next museum was just down the block, it was in an original house, and all items have been, and continue to be donated.  It is operated by volunteers in the area.  They sell coffee, tea & candies to help supplement, as they have to pay their own electricity. It was an interesting place, again full of history of the area!
 I had to take this for some of my sewing friends!

Just another view of a downtown street /area


 Our view thru Laura's dining room window to the back yard.  She has lots of plants in her windows also.

Today was Fredrik's sister's birthday.  (Helga, next to Laura)  so after supper we picked up some flowers and we went about an hours drive to visit her and her co-worker with the family they were visiting.  The couple is on the right with their son, and both their girls had already went to bed. We enjoyed a visit, coffee & dessert.

This will catch me up on our sightseeing posts for a while, as since Ruth will be leaving for home in the morning, our days will be a little more quiet and close to home while we look forward to a new little Miss joining the household (hopefully) soon.  I won't have as many photos..... (Maybe?!) , so will do more combining days in my posts.


  1. I love the pictures. What precious time to be able to be with Laura.

  2. Such wonderful pictures, I am so happy you are sharing your trip.
