Saturday, June 4, 2016

Still counting down

It's Saturday.  Two days before I leave home.
I'm a bit slow obviously, but it dawned on me loud and clear this morning one of the major reasons I have such a problem leaving home is that I really dislike deadlines. They stress me out.  Now on the other hand, I've been accused (and rightly so) of fitting the saying "If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done".  Figure that one out.

Last week I made a list of everything I needed to get done, and divided it into days for this week. Surely that would keep me focused and better able to accomplish the jobs, right?  Well, kinda, sorta.  Unfortunatly what I find myself doing when I'm trying to get ready for an event, is doing a whole lot of extra things that weren't even close to making the list, not even a necessity for being able to leave. (or have company, or whatever the occasion might be.)  For example, when we were cleaning house getting ready for one of my daughter's OUTDOOR wedding; not even IN the house-- I had to pull out the refrigerator & stove & clean under/behind them.  (My sisters have never let me forget that one.)  Of course I could mention that when my sister's daughter got married, OUTSIDE, mind you, the whole house had to be spotless along with the unfinished cave cellar basement. to say nothing of the barn, chicken house & Quonset.  Hmm!  LOL!

Sometimes this week I found myself going slower & slower at accomplishing anything, needed or not.  I mentioned to my husband that maybe I had a delusion that if I worked slower, time would slow down & my days would be longer.  Maybe add on more days before I had to leave? haha. He assured me that wasn't the way it worked.  But, I did realize that I have done this many times before, and it really has nothing to do with actually wanting to do the particular event. It's just my stress issues & dislike of leaving my home. I'm always fine once I actually arrive at the destination or the occasion is upon me.

I won't bore you with what all extra that I accomplished besides my list (which still isn't completely marked off.)  Lets just say that my basement is much more organized & clean than it was last week.
Oh, and I have flower beds weeded & planted.  Maybe I can still squeeze in cleaning out my kitchen cupboards?.............

Till next time!


  1. Good luck as the day arrives!!! Can't wait to read the next installment!!

  2. You must be on your way now- exciting!
    I don't like deadlines, either. Today was one furiously fast day as I raced to get through my list. Good feeling, though, to be underway! Enjoy your Europe stay!!!

  3. There is something mentioned in that tidying book about tidying up helping you concentrate. (she always cleaned her room before studying) I find that when I am anxious, having something DONE (completely finished), usually a place not entirely necessary to be done at the moment, helps somehow. I don't question I just go do it. And...if waiting until the last minute helps, go for it!
